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Young Carers

Plume, Maldon’s Community Academy is committed in providing for young carers and their families.


The academy strives to address the requirements of students who are young carers, giving them the opportunity to completely enjoy their education as young people, raise their attendance, and aspire to realise their full potential.


The academy successfully engages with pertinent external agencies and has an efficient system for identifying and referring students. This system includes referring students to Young Carer agencies that provide information to important staff members who will work with young carers and their families. In order to support students and their families, the academy only shares information with professionals and organisations when it is necessary.


Along with our skilled pastoral colleagues, we have specific staff members who assist our young carers and their families. They are accessible to families and students who need assistance. The academy's main goal is to provide our young carers and their families the best opportunity of success in the future.

What is a young carer?


A Young Carer is someone under 18 years of age who is helping to look after someone at home. They may be looking after a parent, grandparent, sibling or other relative and the person they look after may have one or more of the following:

  • A physical or mental disability (including sensory disability).

  • A learning disability.

  • Mental health issues.

  • Chronic or terminal illness.

  • A substance misuse problem.

A young carer typically takes on further responsibilities, that are extra to those appropriate for their age and ability.

You may be a young carer if you do the any of the following:


  • Help with such as washing, toileting, dressing, feeding, help with mobility, administering medication and ensuring safety.

  • Domestic help such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, paying bills and childcare.

  • Translating or interpreting for someone at home.

  • Emotional support.

  • Supporting other members of their family.

We acknowledge that there will be young carers amongst our student population; their welfare is of paramount importance and they must be cared for and supported in the academy community.

The effects of being a young carer


Being a young carer takes up a lot of time and may result in having less time to spend with friends and do certain things that other young people are able to do. It can also result in the young person:

  • Having increased punctuality issues and absence.

  • Difficulties with concentration, anxiety or worry.

  • Tiredness.

  • A lack of time or environment for homework and revision.

  • Poor attainment and progress.

  • A lack of time for extra-curricular activities.

  • A lack of financial support for academy trips and other events.

  • Feeling alone, unwanted or cared for.


​It is important to remember that the academy has processes to support our young carers.  The young carers aware that they have a safe place to go to where support is given, that encourages them to achieve their potential.

How can the young carer key workers help?


Key workers offer free personalised support to young carers and their families that will be developed with the young carer around their need for help and the caring they do.

The service offers:


  • Confidential one-to-one support with a dedicated key worker in the area you live, including telephone support.

  • Information, advice, guidance, and assisting you to access other services to support you as a young carer.

  • Training opportunities e.g. moving people safely, building confidence and self-esteem, fire safety and access to counselling services if needed.

  • Recreational activities to take you away from your caring role, meet other young carers, and make new friends.

  • Transition to adult carer services as you come up to 18.

Where can you access the Essex Young Carers Service?


Key workers are available across the whole of Essex, so will be accessible in your local area. They can visit young carers and their families at home, school or somewhere else at an agreed time.

They are:


Mrs J Frost - PPG Coordinator and Young Carer Operational Lead.

Mr S Meadows - Assistant Vice Principal and Young Carer SLT Lead.


There is also a young carers working group, which consists of Mrs Frost, Mr Meadows and the Assistant Heads of Year. This group meets formally and informally with the sole purpose the young carers in our academy. The group shares information and makes decisions on the best way to support the students.

More Information


Newsletter with Young Carer Information

How can you access the service?


Families or young carers themselves can self-refer, or professionals can make a referral on their behalf. At Plume Academy, you have two designated leads for Young Carers.

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Young Carers in Schools Award



Plume Academy wins award for young carer support


Plume Academy has been given a Silver award for our work to make sure students don’t miss out on an education because they are young carers.

The Young Carers in Schools programme helps primary and secondary schools improve outcomes for young carers and celebrates good practice through the Young Carers in Schools Award.


Young carers are responsible for emotional, practical or physical care for a parent, sibling or other family member who have a physical disability, mental health issue or substance misuse issue. 


The Carers Trust and The Childrens Society in a joint statement said, “to achieve a Silver Award Plume Academy has demonstrated that it supports young carers in many ways, including awareness raising with pupils and staff, and by building links within the local community. Young carers are consulted with, and vital information is made available to pupils and families, letting them know where to go for help.”

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