Year 6 into 7
Applying for a Year 7 place at Plume Academy
Welcome to Plume Academy

Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting, but sometimes scary experience. Here at Plume Academy, we aim to make this important transition as stress free as possible. This page provides information, support and guidance for all prospective students and families.
Plume Academy Open Evening Details
Date Thursday 26 September 2024
Time 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Headteacher’s Presentations 6.15 pm and 7.30 pm in the Stage Hall
Location Plume Academy, Fambridge Road Campus (FRC), CM9 6AB
Tours at the Mill Road Campus (MRC)
Please be aware that Year 6 parents/carers can book morning tours at the Mill Road Campus from Monday 7 to Friday 18 October 2024. These can be booked by visiting https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/plume-academy.
For more information, please contact Mr Owen, Assistant Headteacher, Mill Road Campus Lead.
Year 7 Application Deadline – Thursday 31 October 2024
All prospective parents seeking admission to Plume Academy should ensure that an application is completed online at www.essex.gov.uk/admissions, by the deadline of Thursday 31st October 2024. You can apply online for your child’s Year 7 secondary school place from Thursday 12 September 2024. Please be aware that applications received after the Thursday 31 October 2024 are considered late and will reduce your chance of being offered a place at your preferred schools.
Applying for a Year 7 place at Plume Academy
We currently admit 295 children from our priority admissions area into Year 7 each September and arrange them into 11 mixed tutor groups. All applications are evaluated against our admissions criteria. Please read our Admissions Policy on our website for further information.
All prospective parents/carers seeking admission to Plume Academy should ensure that an application is completed online via the Essex County Council website by clicking here. Applications open in September and close on 31 October.
You can read about the Essex County Council Year 7 application process by clicking here.
Useful contact numbers
Essex School Admissions - 0345 603 2200 or admissions@essex.gov.uk
Year 6 into Year 7 Transition Day
Please be aware that our Year 6 into Year 7 Transition Day takes place at the end of the summer term. Relevant information will be shared with our new families after Easter.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Mill Road Campus in September however before we do, we would like to let you know a bit more about the academy, what we do and what we believe in. We also want to give you some important information about what to expect when you join the academy to help make your transition here go smoothly. 'Who's who?' 'What's what?' and 'What do I do when?' are the questions that we are often asked, you may also have questions of your own, which we will aim to answer in our booklet below.
Year 6 Transition Booklet
Supporting School Transition
Transitioning from primary to secondary school is a particularly significant change for children. Learning about change and how to cope with it will help them with this transition and prepare them for many other changes and challenges they will face in life.
Finding your feet

Youngminds.org.uk have created a resource that reassures people just like you, who are going through the transition from Year 6 to Year 7 that they are not alone when it comes to their worries about secondary school, that there are ways to cope with change and there are people to talk to when things get difficult.
As part of their 'Finding Your Feet' programme, Young Minds colleagues went into lots of different schools to talk to Year 6 students about moving up to secondary school. They heard lots of similar concerns about getting the bus, meeting new people, scary teachers and leaving friends behind. They also heard from many Year 7 students who found that some of the things they were worrying about didn’t happen or weren’t as hard as they thought, and they produced several useful resources / videos which may help you with your transition to Plume Academy.