Ofsted November 2023
'Students in the Sixth Form experience a high-quality curriculum that is well matched to their needs ...
and as a result they achieve well'
Assistant Headteacher
Head of College
Mr J Hallam
Our Sixth Form College provides an ambitious and enjoyable experience that produces excellent outcomes in the classroom and in the wider community. We pride ourselves on our student-centred approach, high-quality teaching and the extensive opportunities we provide to our students.

Firstly, thank you for your interest in Plume College, I understand that your Post-16 decision is extremely important and I hope that you will consider joining us in September 2025. In my opinion, a Sixth Form College should be an inspiring and engaging learning environment that fosters talent and provides the high quality teaching and guidance to enable students to access their full potential. At Plume College, we combine the academic rigour of a Sixth Form with the freedom and flexibility of a College. Plume College has a history of high achievement, with the 2024 outcomes ranking in the top 10% of the country, I believe this is a result of the culture and ethos that makes Plume College what it is. When I joined Plume, I set out a vision for a ‘successful, supportive and student-centred college’. One of our greatest assets is the level of pastoral support we offer students. Whilst we are highly ambitious and encourage our students to excel, we live by the philosophy that a students’ first priority is their health and happiness, if this is achieved, success will follow. Plume College students have access to their own dedicated study spaces, library and canteen. As well as these excellent facilities, Plume College students have access to outstanding collective support from our College team and expert teachers in their subjects.
Mr J Hallam
Assistant Headteacher: Head of College
Post-16 Press Release – Thursday 15 August 2024
Fantastic Examination Results! ​
Plume Academy is once again celebrating a superb set of A Level/Level 3 examination results which very much reflect the hard work and tremendous commitment shown by our students and staff over the course of the last two years.
Our Year 13 results show that the academy secured improved outcomes in a number of areas including a virtually perfect overall A*-E pass rate. Of the 23 A Level subjects we currently offer at A Level, only 1 did not achieve a 100% pass rate, and in all 6 vocational/Level 3 courses, the pass rate was 100%.
80.1% of all grades were at A*-C and well over half of all grades were at A*-B. At the top end, 42 of our entries were graded at A*-A. Such positive outcomes will enable students to take the next steps in life, by entering the work of work or by progressing to Higher Education.
Inclusion is at the heart of Plume Academy’s Post-16 provision. The academy deliberately sets relatively low minimum entry requirements for its A Level courses relative to other institutions. Many students have achieved excellent personal outcomes, relative to their starting points.
High numbers of students have applied for a place at university, with many securing places at prestigious Russell Group universities.
We are also absolutely delighted that every single student who applied to go to university has secured a place with the vast majority being at their first choice.
Our top Year 13 achievers this year are:
Matthew R.
Chemistry A*, French A*, Maths A*
Post-18 Destination: Chemistry at the University College London
Jonny W.
French A, History A, Maths A
Post-18 Destination: Mathematics at Cardiff University
Jessica W.
Law A*, Psychology A, English language B
Post-18 Destination: Law Apprenticeship
Erin F.
Criminology A*, Sociology A, Psychology B
Post-18 Destination: Employment
Grace J.
Law A, English Language A, Business B
Post-18 Destination: Law Apprenticeship
Isabelle R.
History A, Sociology A, Psychology B, Extended project B
Post-18 Destination: Psychology at the University of Sheffield
Kathryn J.
Business EC3 Distinction*, Law A, Criminology B
Post-18 Destination: Business Marketing and Development Executive
Lewis B. also achieved an outstanding set of examination results, we wish him well with his future acting and academic endeavours.
Mr Tom Baster and Mrs Ruth Clark, the Joint Heads of Academy said, “We are exceptionally proud of the results achieved by our college students this year. Our students have worked incredibly hard and showed resilience and commitment to achieve these results”
They added “These outcomes are a result of our students working in collaboration with a highly skilled team of staff combined with the support provided by our students’ parents and carers”
“It has been an absolute privilege to work alongside them all and we are immensely proud of what they have secured as a collective. We wish them a bright, happy and ultimately, successful future.”
Mr John Hallam, Assistant Vice Principal and the academy’s Post-16 Lead added, “I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate our fantastic college students on an excellent set of results. It’s been wonderful to witness so many delighted students collecting results at the academy this morning, and it's great to see so many students securing the outcomes that will enable them to progress onto their first-choice university, college or apprenticeship.”
Mr Hallam continued, “As an academy, we are exceptionally proud of the achievements of our Post-16 students and, as this area’s senior leader for Plume College, it has been a privilege to work alongside staff, parents and carers to ensure that all of our students achieve their very best.”
Mr Hallam finished by stating, “I would like to wish all of our Year 13 leavers the best of luck as they progress to university, college, apprenticeships or employment and thank them for their hard work and commitment during their time at Plume Academy. “