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Personal Development at Plume

Personal Development at Plume - Overview

Personal Development at Plume Academy is provided at a base level in the following ways:

KS3 - 1 hour timetabled lesson PD lesson per week

KS4 - 3 dedicated tutor time sessions per week

KS5 - 1 hour Tutorial (Tutor) & 1 hour Enrichment (Head of College) per week


In addition, there is a comprehensive rota of assemblies tailored for each specific year group, whole academy events including Mental Health Awareness Week, Black History Month, Diversity Week, National Careers Week as well as personal safety such as road awareness.

In addition to the dedicated PD curriculum, Form Tutors cover weekly topical stories/issues in tutor time through ‘Questioning the world around us’. This activity is focussed on engaging our students in the ‘News’ around them (not just the main stories) that demonstrate the key fundamentals of Personal Development.

There are also focused year group assemblies on specific PSHE topics, which contextualise the lesson-based learning. This ensures they are accessible, relatable and current affairs based. This encourages our students to gain a wider understanding of the world they live in and to debate differing views whilst respecting the views of others.

Our curriculum aims to provide students with a sound understanding of their role as a

citizen now and in the future, the opportunity to consider wider societal and personal issues and the ability to develop critical thinking to make safe and informed decisions.

In line with the Government’s Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education Guidance, Plume has committed to developing students’ awareness in key areas, including;

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing

  • Relationships 

  • The World We Live In


All members of staff who delivers Personal Development at Plume are provided with support and training through termly meetings, year group meetings and one-to-one mentoring.

Protected characteristics

The Equality Act protects people against discrimination due to the protected characteristics that we all have. Under the Equality Act (2010), there are nine protected characteristics:

  • Age

  • Disability

  • Gender reassignment

  • Marriage and civil partnership

  • Pregnancy and maternity

  • Race

  • Religion or belief

  • Sex

  • Sexual orientation


At Plume our curriculum fosters an understanding and strong sense of pride in who we are and who we want to be and to recognise the diversity that every member of the Plume family and the wider community have. We embed and reinforce these protected characteristics throughout the curriculum by encouraging a pride in belonging to the Plume Family.


The characteristics are maintained and promoted through many initiatives within the curriculum. There are also a broad range of enrichment opportunity that Plume offers, from our district wide respected Pride group to our bullying and mental health ambassadors.

British Values

Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating diversity of the UK. These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty. They underpin not only the curriculum but also all discussions held within PD lessons. At Plume, we have a strong sense of family and community, which enables our students to develop the behaviours and character, expected of them in society.

Creating a SAFE Learning Environment

A safe learning environment helps pupils to share feelings, explore values and attitudes, express opinions and consider those of others, without attracting negative feedback.

At Plume we:

  • work with pupils to establish ground rules about how they will behave towards each other in discussion

  • provide opportunities for pupils to discuss issues in small groups as well as sharing views with the whole class

  • provide access to balanced information and differing views to help pupils clarify their own opinions (whilst making clear that behaviours such as racism, homophobia, bi-phobia, transphobia, discrimination and bullying are never acceptable in any form)

  • are sensitive to the needs and experiences of individuals, as some pupils may have direct experience of some of the issues

  • always work within the school’s policies on safeguarding and confidentiality (and ensure that pupils understand school policies on disclosure of confidential information and following up concerns in a more appropriate setting outside lessons)

  • link PSHE education into the whole-school approach to supporting pupil wellbeing

  • make pupils aware of reliable sources of support both inside and outside the school

Our Personal Development curriculum is designed to develop informed and knowledgeable young people who are clear about their place in the modern world. The curriculum across the whole college is coherently planned, frequently reviewed and makes a positive contribution to the personal development of students as well as to their understanding of safeguarding and healthy lifestyles, their acceptance of and engagement with British values, Religious Education and their broader cultural understanding. Within Personal Development, students are provided with opportunities to develop resilience, confidence and independence. Through the topics they are supported to become well organised, articulate young adults who are able to debate and explore current affairs to support their own thinking and development.

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