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PE Key-Stage 3

At Plume, our aim is to improve health and well-being, promote active participation and help all students fulfil their potential. We aim to ensure that children’s experience of Physical Education is positive and motivating.


Throughout Key Stage 3 PE, we offer a range of activities that look to stretch and develop students. Those activities include football, basketball, netball, rugby, athletics, badminton, cricket, gymnastics, handball, rounders, trampolining, table tennis, volleyball, health-related fitness and orienteering.


Within each lesson, students will develop a range of fundamental motor skills that link directly with the subject of Physical Education, but also aim to improve their social development.  Skills include balance, hand-eye coordination, leadership, teamwork and problem solving. Students are also taught lifelong values, resilience and how to lead a healthy active lifestyle.


All students have two lessons per week, usually consisting of one indoor lesson a week, and one outdoor. Every half term the activity focus changes, enabling students to experience a wide range of sports and activities.


Students are required to bring full PE kit for their lessons, this includes when they are not physically able to participate in the lesson. When students aren’t physically able to take part in lessons, they are involved in a different role such as officiating, coaching or choreographing. This ensures they are still consolidating knowledge and extending their learning.


Within KS3 we expect students to build a solid foundation for progression into Key Stage 4. Here they will refine their skills and participate in an even wider variety of activities.

At Key Stage 3 students are assessed in each activity across the year, through four strands "Physical, Thinking, Social and Personal Me". Grades are given for each activity (A-E) at the end of each of half term. In each progress review phase, activities will be averaged to give an overall grade. Grades will be determined by applying the assessment grid matrix below: 

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