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THE LAIC (Learning And Information Centre)


The LAIC offers many useful facilities to students to enhance and develop learning. There will always be a Library Assistant available who will be happy to assist with any questions students may have.


Library - Up to a maximum of four books for a period of two weeks can be borrowed free of charge, and there is a broad range of fiction for all abilities from many different genres. There is a large selection of non-fiction books as well as a reference section. We also have a wide range of fiction and non-fiction Accelerated Reader books within the LAIC. DVDs and audiobooks are available for overnight loans, again free of charge.


Computer Area - 15 computers are available for students to use at break and lunchtimes for homework and schoolwork only. There is also the facility for both colour and black and white printing.


Students - are allowed into the LAIC at break time and lunchtime to take out books and there is a selection of general browser books, newspapers and magazines. In addition, students can play games such as Chess and Uno. There is a small stationery shop within the LAIC, which is useful for purchasing essential items (cash only).


Book Group - a very active and well-attended weekly ‘Book Group’ takes place on Monday lunchtime (MRC) and Thursday lunchtime (FRC). Students can eat their lunch at Book Group and it is a vibrant social club incorporating many enjoyable and interesting activities.


Breakfast Club - this takes place every day from 8.00 am, however, students are asked to sign in upon arrival.


Homework Club - this takes place on Tuesday (MRC) and Thursday (FRC) after school. Students can do homework (with staff support), use computers, print, take out books that are appropriate to the work, and also have a drink and biscuit together before leaving.




Meet the staff:

LAIC Supervisor

Mrs Symons


LAIC Assistants

Mrs Gaskin, Mrs Rowland


Accelerated Reading

Congratulations to all our Accelerated Reader millionaires. These students have, during their time here in the Academy, shown us they have a love for reading, books and the LAIC.

During their English lessons they have completed quizzes for the books they have read which also calculates the word count of these books. This is a programme to encourage reading in young people in schools called Accelerated Reading (AR)

All students who achieve a million words, or more, receive a certificate and badge reflecting the number of words they have read.

We are very proud of them all.



Harrison English

Thasnim Khalil

Michael Qiu

Thomas Crockford-Turvey

Freddie Diddams

Olivia Hanley

Sofia Harrison

Charlotte Goodall

Amber Potts

Evie Thorneloe

Poppy Slater

Fathema Alimah 

Ava Hart 

Charlie Baldwin 

Sophia Brookes 

Eli Mann 

Lily Weeks

Katie Kerridge

Annabel Miller

Tom Potts

Miya Bishop 

Grace Springett

Mia Sheen

Nathan Ponting

Joshua Bezant

Evan McBane

Eila Jones

Saskia Openshaw

Monty Jones

Charlie Gillan

Double Millionaires

Corin MacAllen

Robyn Kennelly

Sienna Thomas

Luke Robinson


Triple Millionaires

Quadruple Millionaires

Kai Kirk

Quintuple Millionaires

Aiden Lavender-Mitchell


Sextuple Millionaires

Nathan Smith

Septuple Millionaires


Octuple Millionaires


Nonuple Millionaires


Decuple Millionaires



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