The government have reformed how schools and colleges are measured in order to set higher expectations, and to make the system fairer, more ambitious, and more transparent.
These measures are:
English and Mathematics (for students who do not have a GCSE in these subjects at grade 4)
Please see the information below for further details on each measure and how successful Plume College are against each measure.
Accountability Measures
Successful schools and colleges support and prepare their students for future education, training and employment.
Plume Academy’s destination data for 2023 can be found: https://www.plume.essex.sch.uk/year-13-destinations
The measure for attainment shows the average grade that students attain across the academy in their A level and other Level 3 studies.

English and Mathematics

This measure shows the progress of students in English and Mathematics where they did not achieve at least a grade 4 at GCSE by the end of Key Stage 4.
English and Mathematics results over time
These scores show how much progress students at this school or college made in English qualifications such as GCSE re-takes, between the end of Key Stage 4 and the end of the 16 to 18 phase of education. A positive score means that, on average, students got higher grades at 16 to 18 than at Key Stage 4. A negative score means that, on average, students got lower grades than at Key Stage 4. Students are included in these measures if they did not achieve a grade 4 or higher in their GCSE or equivalent by the end of Key Stage 4 in that subject.

This measure shows the proportion of students who are retained to the end of their main course of study within their study programme at a provider.
The data below was validated for the 2018/2019 cohort (published January 2020):

For the academy’s internal calculations for 2022/23 please see below:
Retention has been a key aspect of the College’s improvements over the last few years, and we continue to operate a ‘no drop policy’. The College has responded positively to the RPA agenda with a widening participation focus which enables lower ability learners to access the College rather than becoming NEET. As a direct result of this approach, College destination data for 2022/23 reveals that 92.85% left to undertake EET, 42.85% Employment, 35.71% Training, 14.29% Education.
93.0% of students completed their main study programme in A Levels, and Academic, with 93.3% completing in Applied general, and Tech Level.