Inclusion at Plume Academy
At Plume our vision for inclusion is:
To ensure that all learners are able to access an engaging curriculum and wider cultural capital activities that prepare them well for the next stage of their lives, by understanding individual needs and planning to meet them. We endeavour to maximise student attendance and engagement by working closely in partnership with parents, carers and the wider community whilst ensuring that the academy continues to be safe and welcoming, where all members of the school community can thrive.
Our intent is to achieve this vision by:
Providing an inspiring and relevant curriculum that considers the child holistically exposing them to exciting new activities and concepts while developing key skills and understanding
Rigorously identify and work towards removing barriers to learning (social, emotional, academic) allowing all students to reach their potential
Provide additional support, based on individual needs, through our SEND department, pastoral teams, mental health initiatives and support, collaboration with parents/carers and external professional agencies
Timely and effective communication with all stakeholders
Fostering positive working relationships with our students to build a culture of trust, understanding and respect that allows all members of our community to thrive.
Fully discovering and encouraging student interests
Supporting our students to develop resilience, confidence and independence while promoting positive physical and mental health
Equipping students to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who can contribute to modern British society
Developing the students understanding and appreciation of diversity, celebrating what we have in common and promoting respect for the different protected characteristics as defined in law.
Please visit our website for our policies and procedures - SEND Policy, Accessibility Policy, Equality Policy, Behaviour Policy, CEIAG Policy, LGBT Policy that outline our specific objectives and outcomes in these areas.