Homework Timetables
Fambridge Road Campus (FRC) Homework (Years 9-11)
In line with guidance from Ofsted that homework should ‘be set as appropriate’, please be aware that staff who teach Years 9-11 set homework through the Show My Homework (SMHW) system at their own discretion. Please see the link above to further access the SMHW platform.
All students in Years 7-11 are provided with a SMHW login and staff will continue to use the system to set homework.
The students of Years 9-11 will not all follow a set format for homework, and this will be bespoke to the student depending on the options selected by the students in Year 9 and for their GCSEs in Year 10-11.
Students at Mill Road Campus (MRC) (Year 7-8) will have homework set in-line with the homework timetable provided (please see the link above) and use the SMHW system.
If any student loses their login information for SMHW, this can be obtained from their Assistant Head of Year.
If you have any questions linked to homework for a subject, please contact the student's teacher in the first instance using their email address found https://www.plume.essex.sch.uk/staff-contacts
If you have any questions regarding to the homework timetables provided, please can you email the respective Campus Leads for the campus that your son/daughter attends.