Football College Recruitment
The Football College currently run two teams. Students will have a plethora of competitions to compete in over the duration of their two years attending the college.
The first team play in the Essex Colleges Division 1 League, as well as playing in National Cup, County Cup, Mid Essex Cup and North Essex Cup. The second team compete in the Essex Colleges Division 3 League, the Essex Colleges Division 3 League Cup and Essex Colleges Cup.
You must apply to Plume Sixth Form College and include Football College on the application form. All applicants will then be contacted with taster sessions and trial information. We open Football College to all Year 11’s from both Plume Academy and from other schools.
We will be holding trials on Friday 25th October 2024 at our Fambridge Road Campus. This will run from 3:30PM until 4:45PM on our 3G Astro turf pitch.
If you are an external student and intend on joining the Football College programme. Please use the following email addresses below as a point of reference.
For academic related enquires please contact Mr Ainscough- Head of PE. J.ainscough@plume.essex.sch.uk
For football related enquires please contact Mr Munro- College Football Lead Coach r.munro@plume.essex.sch.uk